Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Donna - Wednesday 8/4/10

Clifford came to the clinic today!!! He received his prosthetic leg yesterday and today was walking all over our clinic with it and his little crutches. Best of all he had a big smile on his face. The sad and traumatized little boy we first met seems to be recovering.
Judeline walked with the assist of only one hand today, without her crutch. She did not do this to impress us as therapists, but because a handsome 20 year old man who was assisting us asked her to try. She just turned 16 and we have learned what motivates her best. We will enlist my 20 year old son next week!
We have had several new patients this week both in the clinic and in-patients at the hospital. They have arrived with various complaints, but asking for exercises to help make them better. Before we arrived, “physio therapy” in Haiti meant massage. Our first week patients arrived asking for massage and we tried our best to educate them about our version of therapy. The word seems to have gotten out now that exercise is what will make you better. Yeah!!!

1 comment:

  1. Donna and JoAnn--I saw the U tube video and have read your blogs....You are totally AWESOME truly!
    Big Hugs!
    Hands of Light in Action
